2024 Community Needs

Visit the Simsbury, CT Social Services page to find out where assistance is needed most or provide you with the help you need. Click here. 

​The Avon, CT non-profit, Gifts of Love can receive donations, or provide you with assistance with weekend meals, basic household needs and in-season clothing for your family. Currently the most needed items are included on their Amazon Wish List. 

The 2021 Holiday Give Backs Summary

For the 2021 holiday season, we decided to split up our give-backs and help several very different needs in our community.  First, we purchased a box of Candyland games from Connecticut Children's Medical Center's online Wish List, which lists items which could benefit kids and families like fleece blankets, games, toys and coloring books, etc. The thought of brightening the day of a child and family spending time in the hospital makes us feel really good.

In December via a Facebook wellness community group, we learned of a family in West Hartford, CT in a very tough spot financially. Their son was experiencing a mental health crisis and hospital and therapy bills were adding up beyond their ability to pay. Their provider elicited ideas from the community and several people offered to help. We sent them a monetary donation to help ease the burden of the child's therapy appointments.

Lastly, we made a donation to the Sandy Hook Promise Foundation, an organization the Boyle Family follows and supports several times during the year. The donation will help with efforts to pass legislation on safe gun storage, red flag laws and automatic military assault weapons bans. The 2021 holiday season is the first time Boyle's Naturals elected to support this very important and influential organization.

Boyle's Naturals stands behind each effort we decided to support this year, and hopes with continued growth in 2022 and beyond, our impact can only grow!  Thanks to YOU, our customers, for making these donations possible.  It's through the sales of our products that our ability to give back grows!

The 2020 Boyle's Naturals Holiday "Give Backs" are a Wrap!

​Thanks to purchases made by BN customers all year long, Katie and Brian were able to donate $388 worth of cheer at Walmart on Giving Tuesday!  Katie got the idea to do this give back from Meijer, a large department store chain in the midwest, which creates annual videos of store managers paying for customers' orders around the holidays.  The joy BN brought to a few unsuspecting customers was actually captured on the local CBS evening news.

Katie was out in the neighborhood today to surprise a lucky shopper at the Avon Walmart and a family dining at Popovers in Simsbury, CT by paying for their orders!  More give backs are planned very soon.  Check back soon for a video of Katie acting as the Boyle's Naturals Give Back Elf!  She'll reveal how much it means to be able to give back to the community and send some grateful, positive energy into the universe!  We all need it right now.  Contact Katie at [email protected] or 860-227-9558.

Fundraiser to Feed Respiratory Therapists at Mass General Hospital

Update: We sent them $75 and they bought a bunch of cases of Gatorade to stay hydrated!  Way to go Boyle's Naturals customers!!! 

Purchases of products over the weekend will contribute 10% toward lunch for the amazing team of therapists and staff in Mass General's Respiratory Therapy Services Dept.  Contribute by making a purchase, or donating $10 directly here.

Helping local families affected by government shutdown:

Update 4/20/20 You can donate anytime at the drop off location below!

I reconnected with Charlotte Barth at the Simsbury Food Closet.  Currently, they are in "desperate" need of canned fruits and beef soups and beef stews (they have a lot of of pasta and chicken noodle soup already).  Click the button down below to see the list of items they generally request.  

Bring items to the Simsbury Social Services at Eno Hall during their business hours Monday 8am-7pm, Tues-Th 8:30-4:30, Friday 8:30-1:00.  Or call before you go - the building might be open later on some nights. 860-658-3283

Simsbury Social Services
Eno Hall
754 Hopmeadow St
Simsbury, CT 06070
*Park in the back of the building on the handicapped side.  Walk down ramp and come in the door.  There's a basket under the stairs to leave the donation.

Make check out to Simsbury Food Closet OR Keep Simsbury Warm (which helps pay fuel bills for families in need).  Mail to address at Eno Hll above.
Per Charlottle, the status of SNAP funding is the same as below (see 1/19 note below).  Thanks for helping out our community!
​I did not hear back from the United Way so I called the Simsbury social services yesterday and spoke to Charlotte Barth, 860-658-3283.  She said the families employed in federal positions in CT are mainly centralized in Groton and she is actually not aware of any Simsbury families in need currently related to the shutdown.  But, families on food stamps (SNAP) benefits may have a need soon since SNAP is funded for February but funding for March is not as certain.  As such, social services expects SNAP families and families affected by the shutdown from other areas to begin to draw on supplies at the Simsbury food closet and/or the fuel assistance program in February. 

So the town social services is interested in building up the food closet supply and would love non-perishable and monetary donations.
I will post information for monetary donations soon, or you can call them at 860-658-3283.

If people are interested in getting a collection together, please send me your email address below.  Or if you prefer, email me directly at [email protected] or call 860-431-0891.

Items the Simsbury food closet needs are at their website here (or below, click button.)

American Red Cross Wild Fires Donations

Thank you to all our customers who made purchases between 11/23-11/26.  You contributed to Boyle's Naturals' donation to the @americanredcross ‘s relief efforts in California. Our neighbors on the west coast are suffering (some being asked to evacuate, again, but this time due to rain). May all of us be aware that global climate change has increased the risk for wildfires to start and then get out of control. So we must also work on #prevention too by reducing our carbon emissions. Think on a grander scale!

#donate #redcross #thankyou #gratitude#prevent #climatechange#globalclimatechange #globalwarming#globalwarmingisreal #climate #weatherisnotclimate #wildfire #wildfires 
#california#californiafires #californiafires2018 #fire#firefighter #firefighters

Buy some soap. Make a donation. Just in time for #givingtuesday well be making a donation of 10% of profits to help victims of wild fires survive this disaster with dignity and begin to rebuild. Find out about our #Blackfriday #smallbusinesssaturday #sbs and #cybermonday weekend deals - get free stuff! BoylesNaturals.com!  
#California #californiafires #wildfires #wildfire#campfire #mendocinocomplexfire #redcross#nonprofit #smallbusiness #givingtuesday

The suffering from the California wildfires is unimaginable. And the @americanredcross is helping people with the most basic human needs as they endure, survive and pick up the pieces. We will make a donation of 10% of profits from sales today, Saturday, Nov. 17th. Shop now! Or to make your own donation directly to the Red Cross, visit redcross.org.